Irene Kellough
As a new TEA member and am so happy to know that I am not alone with EM. I am an 89 year old widow living alone, but fortunate to have family nearby. My EM started about six years ago.
I noticed a TEA member once asked if anyone experienced EM stopping during an illness or injury. When I fractured my right ankle two years ago, my feet stopped hurting for about 10 days, then returned worse than before. Now I flare constantly. My right foot and ankle where the skin was damaged is very sensitive, dry, swells more and stiffens when I stand. I also have heel cracks and toenail problems, heavy freckling on the front of my legs, ankle to knee, darker on my ankles, but no discomfort there. I wonder if others experience this.
I’m using creams, a camphor, as recommended by some members, fans, air conditioner and cool wraps at night, but, sleeping is still difficult. I keep my shoes and socks in the refrigerator.
I enjoy reading and doing crossword puzzles. I have been volunteering at a nursing home for over 15 years. I like to speak on the phone with family and friends. I also keep busy with housework, grocery shopping, and doing exercises in my home. And, of course, I spend a lot of time trying to keep my feet cool…a full time job!
But, I am happier and grateful to be part of the TEA group and thank everyone for their support.
I would welcome hearing from others at anytime (416-694-8313).